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I'm Elizabeth, a professional pet, family and wildlife portrait artist, specialised in coloured pencil and graphite realism. I'm self taught, creating unique pieces of artwork in my cosy garden studio in Worcestershire, UK.


Art has always been a part of my life and I knew from a young age that I wanted to be an artist - it was a well known fact that even a scrap piece of paper wouldn't be safe from my drawings! I remember when I was 6, my teacher said that I needed to put down my pencils and practise my maths and literacy instead. She did, however, tell my parents I had a talent that would take me far if I didn't give up.


It's no surprise art was my favourite subject in school, an my art teachers were my safe space. After completing my Foundation Diploma in Fine Art, I was determined to pursue art as a job and not just a hobby, so I set up my business!


After years of practise, drawing everyday, and the support from my family, I now create artwork for people all over the world! I have always loved animals and grown up with pets, so drawing other peoples beloved pets is a dream come true!

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